Dawn Darlene Mitchell

Allegria Everyone! This is Dawn Mitchell, a.k.a Mystic Haven!
I am so very happy and honored to be a part of the wonderful team here at Sacred Embers!
Here is a simple Biography for you….
Dawn was born and raised in Delaware County, Pennsylvania by a wonderful family…the Mitchell’s. Although not blood related to them, Dawn came to their family at 18months old, and was adopted at the age of 3.
Starting at a very early age, Dawn was seeing, hearing and having conversations with those in Spirit, and as she grew older, more gifts and abilities began to emerge. It wasn’t until Dawn graduated from High School and was out on her own that she really began to work on gifts and hone them.j
When Dawn was 21, she was able to meet her Birth parents. It was then she learned that all these gifts came from her Birth Father’s side…as he was also very gifted and explained the long line of Gifted & Magical ancestors which runs in their line.
Since then, Dawn was directed by Spirit to remain on this road and understood completely that using these many gifts to help others is her Life’s purpose!
Over the years, Dawn has also pursued other interests and has received Degree’s in different fields of study:
Doctorate of Theology – Study of World Religions
Doctorate of Holistic Medicine & Metaphysical Healing
Masters of Science – Emergency Medicine (now a Retired RN)
Bachelor of Science – Civil & Criminal Law
Dawn’s GREATEST Achievement however is her beautiful daughter, Gabrielle – who was also born with her own unique set of Gifts and abilities! Alongside her husband, Butch, they are raising Gabrielle to understand HER gifts and how to use them wisely.
In addition to all of this, Dawn is also a High Priestess of the Craft with over 30 years knowledge and experience in ALL areas of Magical work. Mainly an Eclectic, Dawn infuses knowledge from many different religions and incorporates them into her working.
Although associated with several different Covens from around the World, Dawn chooses to remain a Solitary Practitioner so that she can be of better service to those who are in need of a bit of Magick.
How to Contact Dawn
To book a Reading or request Magical assistance, Dawn can be reached at the following:
Here at Sacred Embers: https://sacredembersshow.wixsite.com/love
Sacred Embers Facebook Group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/306872459814704/
On Facebook at: https://www.facebook.com/mystic.haven.3
Through Messenger: Dawn Darlene Mitchell
Through Email: Spirit_of_light_readings@hotmail.com
Thank you for tuning into the Sacred Embers Blog Radio and I look forward to helping you!