Jessica Marie

Join Jessica, Jaden & the Enter the Light team every Sunday at 3pm EST, 2pm CST, 1 pm MST & noon Pacific
Hello to all! My name is Jessica Marie.
I have been a licensed empathic healer with clairsentient and claircognative abilities since 2015. My main passion and purpose is working with the Special needs and mental health communities. I also work closely with my son and spirit guide from Heaven, Jaden! My son Jaden was born in 2001, diagnosed with Down syndrome, severe non-verbal autism and was always medically fragile requiring a permanent tracheotomy and feeding tube. Jaden championed through life with 30+ surgeries and two major open heart operations. At 10 years old Jaden transitioned home to Heaven in 2012. However with Jaden's strong soul , persistance and love for all... He wasn't done yet! My son and I have been working very close in spirit since his transition. He has taught me so much about what life was like for him, we share our personal experiences throughout our life together, Jaden shares his human as well as his spiritual perspectives on all disabilities. Share our experiences on grief and healing! Jaden loves to help from the other side with group Q&As. Stop in and say Hello !!! God bless
Jaden's Way Speaks from Heaven