Peg Jones

From the time, Peg was a young child, the idea of having her own Guardian Angel, was very special to her. She recalls she spoke to them at times, and one of those times letting them know she would love to have a soda fountain where she could have coca-cola anytime she wished to have it (since her mother didn’t keep any unless there was company coming. After the age of 8, life became busy and didn’t really think about angels, till her 30’s, mainly because no one ever spoke of them, all those years.. While in her 30’s, Peg went to a few seminars, about the angels. She had no idea, the angels, were real and truly communicated with us… 10 years later, she discovered an online spiritual site, where she discovered her angels and attended some classes about the angels, and also angel oracle card readings, and healing circles and meditation, and mediumship, which opened a whole new world for her and totally mesmerized by what she learned, while being there. Energy Healing also was something very new for her wanted to know more about that also. Eventually, she took Reiki levels 1 and 2. She also became certified as an Angelic Life Coach, card reader, and also became interested writing about the angels in our daily life, and also the author of Living in the Heart Place, with my Angels; Daily Angelic Whispers, throughout the year. Published in 2013, Create Space. The book is on Amazon, in paperback and in Kindle. It is a book of daily messages, from the angels and a journal exercise, for each message. Peg also became certified in several other Energy healing modalities, Hypno- Mindfulness, and working towards Sound Healing with Tuning Forks. Peg also speaks and sings Light Language, that helps with healing, the planet, the universe, where you live, shares with others, and can be done for self. Light Language is a higher frequency language, that can be ancient language, that can be galactic, Angelic, Native American. Although you may not understand what is being spoken or sung, you will feel the energy of the transmission very deeply, as it could be a past life memory in which there wasn’t a lot of awareness of that lifetime. The interesting thing about Light language, is she was part of a group that met weekly to sing in tongues, in her early 20’s. When she learned about Light Language, she wondered if it was similar to singing or speaking in tongues. Peg realized that Light language is a higher frequency and helps one to be at a higher frequency. Peg enjoys mentoring those, who want to learn more about the angels and how they can work with them. And she loves helping and sharing her other tools, for others, to expand as a person if they so wish to do so. Peg is clairvoyant, clairsentient, and clairaudient, when connecting to her Angels, and can offer messages, she hears from them, and can offer to do this for her clients too. Peg enjoys sharing her other tools, to help others to know the possibilities for personal and spiritual expansion, and to live their best life. Peg, have several other books in process and hope to start working on them again. Peg, in the past has taught some classes, about the angels, and automatic writing, too. which are on her website, and all that she offers.
Her website is pegsangelicalwhispers.com.
You can contact her at pegjones3@gmail.com.
You can reach Peg on facebook for a free 15 min consult or to ask any questions about her services…..